let me take you on the ride of your life
Aye Mamasita.
Penne Elektra Ava Gill. The name speaks for itself, no? :)

Let That Record Play.

Mi Hombres.
Je Veux Des Glaces Choco Vanille.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1:50 AM
Glaces. Choco Vanille.

To you , who can't spell sexy in French ; Chocolate. Vanilla. Ice Cream.

To one woman ,
It means a two-hour begrudging workout on the treadmill to burn it off. Reminder to make an appointment with her personal trainer the week after.

To another,
Its the indulgence that complements the re-runs of Sex And The City on a boring a-typical Friday night. Personal opinion here, Carrie Bradshaw is a GODSEND , the epitome of a Manhattan socialite. Bless her.

And to the third , wilder in most aspects , siren of the night ,
Its the staple , before and after a good MAKE OUT session.

And which category I fall in , that's for you to decide ;) I'm...big on first impressions , like that.

The name's Penelope Elektra. Sounds so good, you'd have to say it twice. Even IF that was not the name my dear parents gave me, it's not as if I would ever let you know that , now would I? :)

I am ... old enough to garner an open minded reaction as to whatever you're 'selling' , but not the 'old' that shoots down your own opinions with a senile remark.

I...DANCE. No wait, scratch that, I FEEL through DANCE. Its not just a simple two-step , sometimes , its an expression. Expressions when you're happy, when you're upset, when you're about to rip someone's face off with your own talons OR when you're just having a great weekend out with the girls . So, you speak the language of spin-slide-twist and thrust , WE are going to get along JUST fine.

And as you probably gather, I'm a firm believer in CHOCOLATE VANILLA ICE CREAM. Just because I've been a long term sugar addict. AAAAAND I bounce off the walls ALOT. :)

Of ALL the badass bitches in my life, I adhere to the two SEXIEST bad ass motha-s that are Carrington Averill & Manhattan Tan. 'Cause we're cool like Eskimo chicks on the Discovery Channel. Through the TEQUILA SHOTS, the BOYS and the LATE NIGHT SQUEE SESSIONS ; we INDEED know how to get into each others BIZZNIZZ. Big kisses and butt slaps , ladies :)

AAAAAND WELL. The rest , they say, is...history. PFFSHHH, besides, half the fun is in not knowing. Haha! SO. Here , in this itty bitty fragment of cyberspace is where you'll find my random thoughts , rants and ramblings. This is...the passanger's route through the ups, the downs, the inside-outs of this whirlwind that is LIFE through my eyes. Or at least what I make of it ;)

Penne Elektra.

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